Nightmare Before Christmas European Premiere?

Back in the day, plans were afoot to create a Folkestone - Boulogne International Film Festival between these two twinned seaside resorts linked by car and passenger ferry. So the first film festival was drawn up with plenty of interesting films showing in cinemas on both sides of the Channel and with a certain Tim Burton film being portrayed as a main event and as a European premiere. Whether or not this statement was in fact true or not I haven't checked, but it made us local Tim Burton fanatics feel rather special in this little backwater of England.

Needless to say subsequent film festivals bit the dust when the Channel Tunnel put the local ferry to France out of business. But the one and only Folkestone - Boulogne Film Festival did take place, without major fuss or red carpet treatment and such as it was it was fairly poorly attended, another contributory factor to its lack of successors. But afterwards I did manage to blag from the cinema manager the giant Nightmare Before Christmas standee which is packed safely in my loft. And leafing through some old scrapbooks recently I found the page from the festival brochure.

Sunday 2nd October 2011