Morrisons & Asda lead the way

Popped into town earlier today and saw that Morrisons had put out half an aisle of decorations, partyware and costumes, and Asda had a whole aisle devoted to their Halloween range.

Of interest in Asda was two plastic but aged looking photo frames with lenticular holograms in them that make the photo of a supposed family loved one, become decayed and zombie-like as you walk past. the life sized raven didn't quite look authentic enough for me otherwise I would've had one of them. I also liked the fact that they were selling purple and red light bulbs in the display to give that eerie glow around your haunted house!

Monday 30th September 2013

Marks and Spencer Halloween decorations

On the way home from London yesterday I caught sight of this small display in the St Pancras M&S store. Admittedly it is  a small food store, so I'm guessing more lines will be available in the bigger stores. It looks like the usual confectionary and partyware again this year though... maybe one day they will bring back their ceramic pumpkin teapots!

Friday 27th Spetember 2013

Withdrawn Halloween Costumes

The following news story made the Evening Standard paper in the UK and also cropped up on the BBC too. Supermarket Asda has been given a rap of the knuckles for it's insensitivity towards people with mental health problems with the marketing of one of its halloween costumes this year. The costume has understandably been withdrawn. Likewise if you read the article Tesco seems to have committed a similar faux pas!

Friday 27th September 2013

Poundland's Halloween DVDs

The halloween decorations are still a bit slow in coming this year with only Poundland and the 99p Store making an effort so far in Folkestone. I'm sure things will start hotting up in the next week or so.
Poundland hve just put out their horror DVDs and there are a few known films amongst the straight-to-DVD low budget fare. So if you want copies of: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween 2, Halloween 3, Bride Of Chucky, Amityville Horror 2 or Amityville Horror 3 - get them while they're there.

Sunday 22nd September 2013

This year's first Halloween decorations

Well it seems the prize this year goes to... wait for it... Poundland! I'm sure they'll add to their stock as the black sabbath nears, but so far it's the usual generic fare, although the ceramic tea-light holders are quite nice, albeit a bit too cutesy for me.
One thing to look out for will be their selection of £1 DVDs as some treasures can usually be picked up. Last year's selection was a bit naff with lots of straight to DVD gore over plot films. But previously there's been lots of selection from awful yet funny 50's Sci-Fi 'B' movies to 70s & 80s classics such as Phantasm, Company Of Wolves, Black Christmas, Screamers or Hellraiser 1-3 and even the under-rated Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3.

Roll on October...

Sunday 8th September 2013