A Philatelist's Nightmare! (Part 1)

And now for a rather big blog...

In 1997 the Royal Mail issued the first Horror themed stamps issued in the UK; it was just a shame they didn't go with their original designs...

And as other countries also issued stamps that year with a folk story theme, various other stamps soon followed; such as Romania issuing a set of Vlad Tepes stamps...

Canada issued a set of monster related stamps...

America based its designs on the Universal Studios monsters...

And Ireland issued some very camp Dracula stamps...

Yet both before 1997 and after stamps across the world have cropped up with Horror related themes... and my list excludes any Science Fiction stamps (of which the UK has issued stamps commemorating H.G. Wells, The Clangers & Daleks!) Tomorrow I'll upload some more stamps that I've found.

Saturday 23rd October 2010