Black Magic Part 2

Back in July I decided on the day to see if there were any remaining tickets for what was Penn & Teller's first UK tour in over a decade. For many of us who live in the UK, we will remember Penn & Teller's TV late night on Friday evenings on Channel 4 in the early 1990s and then disappearing back to the US with virtually no trace apart from a couple of 1-off TV specials.

Well they did not disappoint! Lots of misdirection with cards, coins and other objects. Just the right amount of humour with a knife throwing trick done by a blindfolded member of the audience where the knives were pulled away to safety on the end of a fishing line! The levitation trick which had been performed on BBC1's The One Show a few days before was in there, as were some fire-eating and an exquisitely beautiful trick where Teller draws his knife across a silhouette of a flower vase causing the flowers to separate from the stems in the actual vase.

And then there was the 'trademark' sketches that the crowd were hoping for - regurgitating needles attached to a cotton thread (both of which were swallowed separately), and the trick that fooled John Cleese on Channel 4 where Teller in locked under water in a sealed tank whilst Penn messes up a card trick wrong causing Teller to apparently drown, whereupon he is rotated in his box only to show the missing card in his scuba diving goggles.

Let's hope it isn't another 10 years until they return to these shores.

Sunday 17th October 2010