Star Wars Stamps

Today sees the release by the Royal Mail of a set of Star Wars postage stamps. The following images are from the Royal Mail's advertising booklet sent to customers. There are 12 first class stamps featuring characters from old and the forthcoming film - thankfully the prequel trilogy character are deftly sidestepped by only using characters from those films that appeared in the others (e.g. The Emperor) or having very small images in the bottom corner of the stamp (e.g. Hayden Christiansen). And one can only thank whatever God you believe in that there's no Jar Jar Binks stamp!

Then there is a miniature sheet showing the iconic space vehicles across 4 stamps.

And there is the A4 sized 'Smiler' sheet with 10 1st class stamps alongside other images.

There will be a 'Prestige' stamp book issued also in December. Interestingly the 'Prestige' stamp book will be hideously overpriced at £16.99 compared to other Royal Mail 'Prestige' stamp books. However the 'Smiler' sheet seems somewhat under-priced at £6.80 compared to other issues. Go figure!

Tuesday 20th October 2015