Jeremy Corbyn is The Grinch!

Well, I must admit that I tend to agree with the critics here that the Daily Telegraph and a fairly unknown Tory MP are somewhat laughable in making a story out of nothing saying that under its leader Corbyn, a future British Labour Government would cancel Christmas. This wildly inaccurate remark comes simply down to the fact that Corbyn didn't issue a Christmas message as Leader of the Opposition - something I believe he's not even required or expected to do! 

As for the Tory MP, I'd never head of him before, so perhaps an implausible national news story was simply a ruse to increase his own profile amongst the electorate! Who knows? Whatever the truth, it does seem to me as a bit of an own goal!

I'm not a fan of the Labour party or Corbyn; but it is refreshing to see a political party with a leader that breaks the mould and takes us away from all the public schoolboy politicians that proliferate a culture that success comes through who you know - rather than having risen from the ranks of the electorate themselves and speaking with their voice! Shame on any party that parachutes well-bred and connected politicians into 'safe' seats and MPs that look after their own personal interests at the expense of the people they are supposed to be serving.

If Corbyn is to be criticised, then perhaps do it on how realistic and viable his policies are; or investigate his alleged connections to people with sympathies towards terrorism such as Hamas or the IRA, or even his alleged inaction over child abuse when advised, in a meeting, about it being rife in his own constituency. Politics should be about policies not attacks on personality.

So whatever your political persuasions, I think we can all forget the Daily Telegraph's Christmas nonsense... but still give them a bit of credit for their photoshop team as Corbyn does make an excellent Grinch!

Thursday 24th December 2015