Halloween Beer (Part 4 - Monsters)

Well the last post on beer for a while... or until the Hammer beers come out. Nessie's Monster Mash was a nice pint from a brewery up in Scotland that I purchased about 10 years ago; and similarly the other bottles are from about the same time. Before Safeway turned into Morrisons supermarket they stocked some American beers around this time of year. Both Hop Devil and Dead Guy Ale were vile - but the Dead Guy Ale has one of the best bottles I've seen. The other beer - Vamp Beer - is actually a screw top tin can that I picked up in Carrefour supermarket in France one year and have never seen since. A shame since it tasted nice and has a great design.

After my pumpkin beer bottle post, and wondering when actually was the last time I'd seen the Wychwood Brewery's Pumpking Ale... it seems that just like last year and possibly the year before that they are only doing a slightly relabeled version of their popular Hobgoblin beer this year with some pumpkins in the drawing on the labels. Here is a bottle I bought from Sainsburys supermarket today, although most other major supermarket I'm sure will also be stocking it.
Wednesday 15th September 2010