The Pit And The Pendulum

There's a small theatre production of the classic Edgar Allan Poe tale on tour for this Halloween season that's worth a look if it's coming to a town near you. Sparse with scenery and props this plays gets its ambience and mood from its text, sound and lighting (in fact the pendulum is achieved by light and sound alone).

I must admit I had the ticket booked without knowing anything about the production - I just viewed it as a Halloween treat. But I was pleasantly surprised with the cast of two. The main actor had found notoriety in the UK soap opera Eastenders - so I hadn't heard of him or seen him as I can't abide soaps. However his foil in the play was none other than Nicholas Briggs, and as a huge Dr Who fan he is known to many as the voice of the Daleks (& Cybermen, & Judoon...) With both putting on Cornish accents for the play there wasn't a hint of 'exterminate', however for 90 minutes I was pleasantly entertained by this play and amazed at both actors ability in remembering rather lengthy sections of prose as let's face it Mr Poe was rather wordy in his descriptions! Anyway, see it while you can...

Friday 21st October 2011