Clive Barker's Abarat - Absolute Midnight

Seven years after volume two, the next volume, Absolute Midnight, has been finally released in the UK after being delayed a couple of weeks from the end of September the release date was set for October 6th and I eagerly went into a branch of England biggest book retailer expecting to see a huge display of this highly successful series by one of the major horror authors still alive today... and found nothing. I tried independant book stores, the oldest bookshop in London, Foyles,... and still nothing.

What is going on...

I've heard that his publisher, Harper Collins, has fallen out with him, but this seems silly not to promote a major series that they still have rights for and that Disney were at one stage optioning the rights to make animated films from!

I went back to a Waterstones branch who informed me that in all their stores in London they had just 2 copies of the book in stock. Well now they have just 1 as my copy from their Trafalgar Square branch is scanned in below.

What a shame that at this Halloween with a novel from such an important horror writer being released that the publisher and bookshops can't get their acts together, please us expectant punters and make some extra money for themselves.

Saturday 8th October 2011