Asda Halloween magazine

Strange that in the lead up to Halloween I didn't see this in any Asda supermarket, but now after Halloween has been and gone it appears! (Albeit dated as a November magazine.)

Mind you we are talking about a supermarket that caters mainly for the lower classes and puts anything healthy, such as fruit & veg, or vital ingredients such as sugar, flour, eggs in obscure hidden locations in the store in case the obese customers have palpatations when they can't see their processed prepacked jumbo sized junk food when they come in!

So, not a bad cover, lots of adverts for Halloween products no longer on sale but a couple of good recipes inside (Halloween lasagne & mini cheese pumpkins made primarily from cheese scones being of note).

If you're in an Asda try to pick up a copy... it's just a shame you'll have to embrace the Wallmart generation of shoppers that frequent the place! So don't forget to wear your HazMat suits!

Wednesday 16th November 2011